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Annotated Transcript

CEP 810

Teaching for Understanding with Technology

Professor: Michael Partridge

Fall 2010    Course Syllabus

This was an introductory course to get our feet wet and set a good foundation of what the MAET (Masters in Educational Technology) program would be about. We learned many different technologies that could be used effectively in the classroom for various learning goals.  Constraints and Affordances were discussed and debated on technology safety and how to use these platforms accordingly.  TPACK (technological pedigological content knowledge) was the main focus of this course and how students and teachers alike learn with technology. 


CEP 811

Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education

Professor: Michael Partridge

Spring 2011     Course Syllabus

This course was divided up in to 4 sections: Learn, Explore, Create, & Share.  We learned about Instructional Design, MERLOT (multimedia educational resource for learning and online teaching), Universal Design for learning & web design/online learning. We were asked to explore the use of MERLOT, web design, Wikis and other multimedia resources and participate in hands on labs.  We were asked to create a lesson plan and post share using a PLN (Personal Learning Network) as well as a Stand Alone Instructional Resource that we could help our students learn and refresh on their own. There was a lot of information in this course that really helped grasp the conversion of regular classroom teaching and integrating technology.  

CEP 812

Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice

Professor: Michael Partridge

Spring 2011     Course Syllabus

This course was to get thinking about how to improve teaching and enhance student learning through various forms of technology.  Some were previously explored and others were learned through new technologies.  The main focus was to use a technology to address a problem within our teaching realm.  Using a survey that I created, I gathered data on how my students would learn best, and how I can help with certain topics within Health & Physical Education.  My Wicked Problem Project podcast was one of the projects that I completed in this course. 

TE 831

Teaching School Subject Matter with Technology

Professor: Cathleen Clara

Summer 2011     Course Syllabus


This course was all about using technology to get a message across to your students.  Technology that was selected needed to be appropriate for grade level with the hopes of fostering an online relationship with students.  My most memorable tid bit from this class was using PhotoStory.  Once I created a video for my students to watch as an introduction to smoking, I really had caught their attention.  I believe there were more questions that day than any.  This was an enjoyable class to help make important connections with my individual subject and appropriate technologies. 

TE 846

Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners

Professor: Chad Waldron

Summe 2011   Course Syllabus

This course was extremely helpful in learning how to teach students literacy.  At the time I was in this course, I was teaching summer school with mostly ESL students.  It was a perfect opportunity to complete our final project as a Case Study on a few students to incorporate the styles of learning and theories that were learned in this class.  A pre and post assessment was used and with the case study we as the instructor were provided a basis for making professional decisions related to that specific childs instruction. 

CEP 800

Learning in School and Other Settings

Professor: Dana Henricksen

Spring 2013    Course Syllabus

This course was particularly interesting in the theories and perspectives of how individuals learn. I lectured my students as a health teacher about how conception happens.  In my class I had a variation of all grades in high school.  My lecture was to all of them at all the same time and place with all of the same resources.  In doing this and creating a podcast for this course, it truly proved that not all individuals learn the same.  


CEP 820

Teaching Students Online

Professor: Ann Heintz/Leigh Wolf

Summer 2013     Course Syllabus

This course was all about how to teach students online.  I found that the theories and reasonings behind what attracts people to learn in the online format was very interesting.  There are so many details that go into creating online modules/learning centers in a way that is constuctive and meaningful.  We were to create a few modules within our own subject area for this course.  It was a great challenge to transfer files from classroom to online but was extremely rewarding as well.  

CEP 822

Approaches to Educational Research

Professor: E. Wong

Summer 2013    Course Syllabus

This course was heavily focused on research in education and how districts come to conclusions of how programs and certain technologies can be useful and successfully implemented according to their demographics.  The course was focused on statistics and the use of formulas by using an excel spreadsheet.  We were asked to complete a research proposal based on something in our field that was debated or controviersial.  There are so many topics in health education that are debated however I chose to use sexuality education.  Researching articles from reliable resources to support or oppose the subject area was the main focus.  



CEP 815

Technology and Leadership

Professor: Luke Rapa/Josh Rosenburg

Fall 2013       Course Syllabus

This course had various readings and assignments that related to changing a culture and what it means to be a good leader.  I realized that there are many different styles of leadership and more importantly effective ones as well.  With the use of technology, it can change the way that anyone can learn.  In order to try new things and get others on board with how you think and how it can impact lives is what I really took away from this experience. 


CEP 807

Proseminar in Educational Technology

Professor: Matthew Koehler

Spring 2014     Course Syllabus/Course Site

You're here!  This course is to bring all of the work that we have done in the MAET (MA of Educational Technology) program together in one place, organized and appealing to show to others.  All of our work is to showcase that we understand how to use technology, our education and theories to work in the real world.  Our portfolios can be used for various purposes.  Some may use them to obtain a job, continue doing what we already are and use this as a means of communication and for parents/students to get to know you better.  This is a great resource of cataloging all of our work in one spot for future reference as well.  

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